Interview: Kim Kelly

Kim Kelly

Back when I was in high school, my friends joined forces to form a black metal group called Doorway to Norway. In a strange twist of events, they became the most popular local band for a mostly-conservative suburban town in New Jersey (they won the battle of the bands twice!). I should be more specific … Read more

Ep: Bad Moves – Bad Moves

Bad Moves, the D.C. power-pop-rock supergroup, released an EP in early December that was an obvious response to recent political events. But they also addressed pressing issues that can be considered more nuanced, such as holding shitty jobs, gender conventions, and growing up in suburbia. The opening song, appropriately titled “Shitty Tomorrow,” is a boppy … Read more

EP: Gobbinjr – Vom Night

Gobbinjr - Vom Night

There’s something really, really painful about realizing how much love you have and how little people seem to care. I can recount, albeit incredibly clichéd, the number of times I have felt this melancholy feeling. In line at grocery stores, walking home alone after a night of going out, in libraries (Them: “Can I borrow … Read more

Spotlight: Julia Gfrörer

Spotlight: Julia Gfrörer

As a middle schooler, I was absolutely obsessed with ancient imagery. On trips to New York I would drag my family to the MET museum and admire the marble bust sculptures and little preserved trinkets. I wish I could say that I was attracted to this world solely because it pulled me away from the … Read more

Interview: Waxahatchee

I remember hearing Waxahatchee for the first time during my last year of college, right before spring break. I put on Cerulean Salt and immediately found solace. My friends and I listened to the album on the way to Austin, perhaps the perfect album for driving twenty hours straight through ghost towns and meadows of … Read more